Why you should consider building your first webpage with WordPress

Wordpress vs custom coding that is the question?

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Building a website for your first business can be intimidating at first glance but it truth it is far from it. Yes building a big 20 – 30 page website can be a massive undertaking, even more so if we’re talking about E-commerce. But in general most websites have only a few pages, especially if your business is just starting out.

Depending on the type of business it may not be worth it to spend a lot of resources to build the site form ground up using just pure code and developers as making a website this way can be very expensive. Especially if you want to make small edits or add new content here or there later on.

This is where WordPress can come into play!

Building a website with WordPress can make your life much, much easier. Yes, it does have it’s pros and cons like with everything else, but the cons are manageable by keeping everything up to date. Today there are many excellent Themes and plugins that eliminate the need for traditional coding making it very user friendly and cost effective.

Having your website built with WordPress is generally also a lot faster compared to making it by using pure code. WordPress nowadays has a built in page builder and supports excellent third party builders as well. One of the most famous ones is Elementor which offers much more features and customisation options compared to Gutenberg the official solution that comes with WordPress.

In the end like with all decisions it finally comes down to your specific business requirements and budget when deciding how to build a new webpage for your company. You will need to consider what features are essential for your business and what goals you aim to achieve with your website when making the decision how to build your new website.

Oh, but there is more..

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